Atlanta Councilmember Jason Dozier submitted a resolution for the city of Atlanta to support Amtrak expansion as part of its Amtrak Connects Us expansion plans.
We’ve seen it in other countries. We’ve seen success of passenger rails in Europe and Asia. And as we think about how to we contend with climate change as a global city, we need to make sure that Atlanta is in the forefront of that conversation. We know that many of our residents here – not only just in the city of Atlanta but across the Atlanta region, rely on connectivity with the sister cities for commerce, for financial transactions. Jason Dozier, Atlanta City Council
Amtrak is planning to expand significantly over the next decade with Atlanta being a priority “hub” with expanded service to Nashville, Savannah, Charlotte, Montgomery, and Birmingham all included in its plans.
Amtrak’s expansion plans include daily service to multiple cities in the southeast.
Michael Leithead, President of Advance Atlanta, also shares his support for the initiative.
I’m fully aware of the development that is occurring at Centennial Yards, but if there is an opportunity for there to be an Amtrak expansion within the gulch (development), Advance Atlanta, and me personally, are certainly in support of that expansion. The more robust of a network of transit that we can have in the Atlanta region, the higher ridership and the more effective that ridership will be able to use. Michael Leithead, Advance Atlanta President